Chris Perez Yñiguez / Selected Works

Chris Yñiguez / Selected Works


Sweep to Dream

found palm leaves, copper, cordura straps, s-hooks, 304x243cm, 2017

Found fallen palm leaves combine to form a giant broom (walis tingting); playing with both the mundane and cosmic aspects of this most humble and dependable of domestic objects.

Filed under:
mixed-media, sculpture

The Snake & The Centipede

sumi ink on newsprint,
45x60cm each, 2020

A series of process-based sumi ink drawings on newsprint mimicking  the hand-tapped tattoo process of the mambabatok (traditional Philippine tattooist), and the protective and spiritually-charged centipede and snake skin patterns found in the Mt. Province and Visayas regions of the archipelago, as well as throughout the Austronesian expanse.  
Filed under:
works on paper, drawing, process


knife-scratched paper, white out, ink, found wood, acoustic ceiling tile, vinyl floor tile, aluminum frame, 46x61cm each, 2011

Approaching material with subtractive processes to reveal text and image.  Scratching, etching, burning, and other means of erasure are employed to explore ideas about remembering and forgetting.  

Filed under:
mixed-media, site-specific, works on paper

©2022 Kolektibo Arkipelago 
Chris Yñiguez is an artist, musician, and illustrator based in Los Angeles.