Chris Perez Yñiguez / Selected Works

Chris Yñiguez / Selected Works


Mapa de Concepcion

stained and dried puerh tea paper,  10x12cm each, 2020

Based on imagined cartographic remnants from aboard the shipwrecked Nuestra Señora de la Concepción, a 17th Century Manila-Acapulco Galleon that wrecked off the southern coast of Saipan in 1638. 
Filed under:
works on paper, process

Eye of the Fish

sound performance, 2019

“Living at the edge of the sea breeds an intuitive sense that somewhere deep within us are the remnants of fish consciousness, a piscine, subaqueous feeling for the abyss.“ -Luis H. Francia

Performed live with Gunita Collective on November 8, 2019 for the opening of the exhibit, anotherspace, curated by Nica Aquino.

View the full performance.
Filed under:
performance, sound, video, xuvenir


graphite on vellum, 213x274cm, 2008

A process-based, site-specific drawing that is intimately tied to the place and time of its making. The large sheet of vellum is taped to the apartment wall and gently brushed with powdered graphite. The brushing reveals dark specks due to tiny blemishes and bumps on the wall surface behind it. Where a speck appears, a bird is drawn. In effect, this ‘chance’ composition of migratory birds is a document of both the physical site of its making, and a psychical state of surrender and departure. 
Filed under:
works on paper, drawing, process, site-specific

©2022 Kolektibo Arkipelago 
Chris Yñiguez is an artist, musician, and illustrator based in Los Angeles.